All You Need To Know About Oil Filters

Oil filters play an essential role in protecting your engine. As the oil circulates, it can pick up dirt and contaminants, which can cause friction or wear on critical components, shortening the life of your vehicle. That’s why we put this guide on oil filters together. In it, we’ll answer the most common questions about…

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Automotive Motor Oil FAQs

Read on for a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions that will provide you info on choosing, using, and maintaining motor oil for your engine. What’s The Difference Between Motor Oil Types? Motor oils typically come in one of three types: What Kind Of Engine Oil Lasts the Longest? Full synthetic oil lasts the longest.…

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All You Need To Know About Car Batteries

Car batteries are essential for powering your vehicle and running accessories like lights, the radio, and air conditioning. Understanding how they work and when they need attention can help extend their lifespan and avoid issues. Here’s everything you need to know about car batteries, explained in simple terms, including those most often asked of auto…

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How Much Do Consumers Really Save Doing Their Own Oil Changes?

Some automotive DIY jobs may seem like a good idea, but they can be more hassle than you think. Doing your own oil changes falls into this category. We examine a few key points that explain why letting your garage take care of your oil change is the smarter choice. Let’s answer the question: Do…

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GMB Motor Oil Vs. Economy Motor Oil

GMB fully synthetic motor oils have been designed to provide optimum protection for gasoline vehicles. The special formulation protects engine components for longer and allows your vehicle to perform at its best. Many other motor oils claim these same benefits, but few manufacturers have over 80 years of OE manufacturing experience to back it up.…

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High-Quality Vs. Value Car Batteries

Car batteries tend to last for years. We rarely think about them until they start to fail, and when they do, they need to be replaced right away to avoid breaking down. You might think that any old replacement battery will do. However, there are several types of automotive batteries, and prices and quality levels…

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How To Explain Timing Belt Failure To A Customer

As a crucial component of a vehicle’s engine, the timing belt ensures the synchronized operation of various internal parts. Timing belt failures remain a common concern among car owners because of the risk of expensive damage if the belt fails.

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The 5 Vehicles With The Most Timing Belt Problems

Most modern timing belts are designed to last at least 100,000 miles. However, even on lower-mileage engines, timing belts can deteriorate and fail with age. Additionally, timing belt components such as tensioners and idler pulleys can sometimes fail prematurely. Lack of timing belt maintenance may lead to catastrophic engine damage and costly repairs, depending on…

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Common Timing Belt Problems For The Honda Accord

Honda Accord timing belt

If you have a 2017 or older Honda Accord with a V6, chances are you’ll experience issues with the timing belt at some point. Timing belts do wear out, and should be replaced at regular intervals. Here’s a list of symptoms related to timing belt failure on the Accord, as well as some diagnostic tips,…

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