All You Need To Know About Car Batteries

Car batteries are essential for powering your vehicle and running accessories like lights, the radio, and air conditioning. Understanding how they work and when they need attention can help extend their lifespan and avoid issues. Here’s everything you need to know about car batteries, explained in simple terms, including those most often asked of auto…

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Why Most Consumers Have Their Car Battery Replaced By A Shop

When your car’s battery dies, you’ve got two options: replace it yourself or let a professional handle it at a shop. While it might seem like an easy DIY job, there are several factors to consider that make professional installation the better choice for most drivers. Let’s explore the key differences between doing it yourself…

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High-Quality Vs. Value Car Batteries

Car batteries tend to last for years. We rarely think about them until they start to fail, and when they do, they need to be replaced right away to avoid breaking down. You might think that any old replacement battery will do. However, there are several types of automotive batteries, and prices and quality levels…

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What’s Draining My Car Battery?

battery post

A car’s battery is one of those parts you only think about when it starts failing. Most quality OEM-spec batteries should last at least 5 years. But sometimes, they fail much earlier. Usually because of an electrical fault that is draining the battery.

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Top 4 Features Of The Best Car Batteries

Car battery close-up

As an industry professional, you already know that a high-quality car battery is essential to ensure that a vehicle’s electrical system works right. Using a poor-quality aftermarket battery can damage sensitive electronics. And will cost way more in the long run.

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Common Car Battery Problems

When car batteries go bad, they can seem to die suddenly without warning. However, if you know what to look for, you’ll find that some common symptoms occur when the battery starts to fail, including the following issues: 

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What Causes Vehicle Battery Failure?

Car batteries often die with little to no warning. One day they seem to work fine, holding a charge and powering all of your car’s electronics. Then suddenly, they fail, and your car won’t start. It can be extremely frustrating, especially if a dead battery leaves you stranded. If you’ve experienced a dead battery, you…

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