How To Explain Wheel Hub Failure To A Customer
When it comes to vehicle maintenance and repairs, one component that often gets overlooked until it fails is the wheel hub. A wheel hub may seem inconspicuous, but it plays a crucial role in the safe operation of your vehicle.
Read MoreAvoid These Five Mistakes When Installing U-Joints
Maintaining a vehicle involves tackling a range of tasks, and installing universal joints (U-joints) is one of those critical procedures that can’t be overlooked. These components play a pivotal role in transmitting power between two shafts at varying angles. U-joint installation is straightforward, but there are several potential pitfalls you should be aware of.
Read MoreThe 5 Vehicles With The Most Fan Clutch Problems
Very few vehicles on the road today use a clutch-driven cooling fan. The ones that do are typically large, rear-wheel drive vehicles or SUVs with large displacement engines. Not surprisingly, that describes all of the vehicles on this list. With that in mind, let’s cover them by providing a summary of each vehicle and a…
Read MoreThe 5 Vehicles With The Most Fuel Pump Problems
If your vehicle is experiencing drivability issues, it may be an issue with the fuel pump. Most modern fuel pumps can last 100,000 miles or more, but some fail sooner. Below we’ll highlight five of the most common vehicles to experience fuel pump issues, as well as a few different hints, tips, and recommendations to ensure you’re…
Read MoreCommon Fuel Pump Problems For The Chevy Silverado
If you have a Chevy Silverado, you’ll more-than-likely experience issues with the fuel pump at some point. Below you’ll find a list of common symptoms related to fuel pump failure. We’ll also provide some diagnostic tips, repair info, recommended replacement parts, and some other background information. If you’d like some tips on how to properly…
Read MoreThe 5 Vehicles With The Most U-Joint Problems
In most modern vehicles, the u-joint is a long-lasting and sturdy part of your vehicle. Like any part in your vehicle, it can degrade or break down due to typical wear and tear. Below we’ll cover some of the most common vehicles that experience u-joint issues. In most cases, it tends to be bigger heavy-duty…
Read MoreCommon Fuel Pump Problems For The Honda Odyssey
If you have a Honda Odyssey, odds are you’ll experience issues with the fuel pump at some point. Here’s a list of symptoms related to fuel pump failure on the Honda Odyssey and some diagnostic tips, repair info, recommended parts, and background information.
Read MoreCommon Fuel Pump Problems For The Jeep Wrangler
If you have a Jeep Wrangler, odds are you’ll probably deal with fuel pump issues at some point. While most modern fuel pumps are designed to last for many thousands of miles, eventually they will wear out. (You can learn more about getting the most life out of your fuel pump in this blog post.) Here’s…
Read MoreCommon Fan Clutch Problems For The Ford Expedition
If you own a Ford Expedition and are experiencing problems with your fan clutch, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll cover Ford Expedition fan clutch failure symptoms as well a fan clutch problem diagnosis and repair. We’ll also provide the parts number for the recommended replacement fan clutch parts for the…
Read MoreCommon Fan Clutch Problems For The Chevy Silverado
If you have a 1999-2004 Chevy Silverado, odds are you’ll experience issues with the fan clutch at some point. Here’s a list of symptoms related to fan clutch failure on the Chevy Silverado and some diagnostic tips, repair info, recommended parts, and background information.
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